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2013 Schedule


Begins at 8:30 at the FLAC (B003 JFSB).

Participants and moderators need to check-in at least an hour before their panels.

10–11 a.m.

Marriage, Maternity, and Masculinity: Gender Roles in Perkins, Dickinson and Alcott (B094 10-11am)

Panel chaired by Maria Pack


1        “A Loaded Gun”: An Examination of Emily Dickinson and the Masculine—Jessie Hawkes

2        Yellow Fever—Kara Visconage

3        Marital Sacrifices in Little Women—Joshua Matthew Weber


Joycean Women: Women’s Roles in The Dubliners (B135 10–11)

Panel chaired by Dr. Jarica Watts


1        The Women of Dubliners and Mary Magdalene—Jenna Parmley

2        The Significance of the Organ in Eveline—Meagan Ricks

3        Forming Cycles: Eveline’s Eternal Paralysis—Hayley Hucks


Fiction: Fallibility of Memory and the Forces of Nature (4116 10–11)

Panel chaired by Liz Knight


1        Main Street, Lindon––Amber Watson

2         “Matagorda” and “Circadian Rhythm”––Tyler Corbridge


Symbolism and Generations of Irish Nationalism (B140 10–11)

Panel chaired by Sari Carter

1        Irish Nationalists and the Ancient Greeks: How Linking the Irish and the Greeks Has Helped Heal the Rift of the Troubles—Mary Kremer

2        An Analysis of Ireland’s Silence in Brian Friel’s “Translations”—Haley Gibbons


Mediums of Communication: Language, Letters, and Elvish Song (4188 10–11)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Miranda Wilcox


1        Culture Encapsulated in Letters: Examining the Values Conveyed through Written Correspondence—Rachel Mahrt

2        Music as a Cultural Trait and an Ancient Tradition: Exploring the Musical Ties In Sir Orfeo and Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings—Nikki Merrill

3        Cultural Liberation and Irish Appropriation of Language in Brian Friel’s Translations—Chelsea Tall


Memoir and Personal Essay: Transient Childhood, Memory, and Death (3082 10–11)

Panel chaired by Dr. Steve Tuttle


1        Dreams of Dragonflies—Crystal Radley

2        DEATH!—Michael Peterson

3        Limitless—Spencer Hyde



*10–12 p.m., two-hour panel

Ambiguity of Truth in War: Explorations of The Things They Carried (4186 10–12)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Jamin Rowan


1        Vietnam’s Unwilling Creation: Tim O’Brien and the Unveiling of the True War Solider—Heather Moon

2        All’s Fair in Love and War: Unexpected Partners in Crime in The Things They Carried—Kelsey Allan

3        Story-Beauty: Another Ambiguity in The Things They Carried—Kelsey Kacher

4        Guilt and Responsibility: The True Story of VietnamSarah Perkins

11–12 p.m.

An Affair, a Sin and, the Fall: Where Religion Falls in Joycean Works (B135 11–12)

Panel chaired by Dr. Jarica Watts


1        Choosing Sin and Paralysis: The Seven Deadly Sins in “The Boarding House”Christine Brady

2        The Affair of the Boarding HouseWilliam Sullivan

3        The Fall in “Araby”Rob Polo


A Woman’s Value: Gender as Commerce (4188 11–12)

Panel chaired by Jacqueline Aquino


1        Money in the MarketJessica Rhees

2        A Material Girl in a Material World: Undine’s Consumerism Through Imitation and Insatiability in Custom of the Country—Courtney Feinauer and Cassidee Feinauer

3        Shillings, Ducats, and Daughters: The Minting of Women in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist and Volpone—Anne Helmandollar


Shakespearean Strength: Redefining Women’s Roles in Shakespeare’s Plays (B060 11–12)

Panel chaired by Dr. Keith Lawrence


1        Discovering the Purpose For Ophelia: The Role of Hamlet’s Achilles HeelJennifer Beck

2        Troilus and Cressida: Shakespeare’s Ungendred Promise PlayDana Knudsen

3        Montaigne’s Aristotelian Friendship in Twelfth Night—Carin Olavson


Apophasis and the Depths of Wilderness in Heart of Darkness (B092 11–12)

Panel chaired by Christa Baxter


1        “Towards the Depths of the Wilderness”: The Face of Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier in Heart of Darkness—Shane Peterson

2        Heart of Darkness: Reading beyond ApophasisMatthew Argyle


Creative Nonfiction: Essays of Inheritance and Mourning (B150 11–12)

Panel chaired by Amber Watson


1        Glorious NosebleedsBess Hayes

2        ReactionElizabeth Brady

3        Last WordsMadison Beckstead Bowman


Facing Fears and Exploring New Worlds: Children’s Books as Handbooks for Life (B104 11–12)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Paul Westover


1        Harry Potter, the Modern Epic Hero: Rowling’s Success through the Creation of a Folklore ArchiveKelsey Webb

2        How Watership Down and Sesame Street Changed ChildhoodSadie Klein

3        Lord Robert Baden Powell’s Breakthrough: Peter Pan’s Role in ScoutingLauran Fuller


Shadows of the Self: Exploring Bad Faith and Villainy in Othello and the Dark Knight (B105 11–12)

Panel Chaired by Caryn Lesuma


1        Bad Faith in Othello—Matt Fellows

2        “Upset the Established Order”: Altering Our Approach to VillainsIan McCarthur


12 p.m., Reading Series, HBLL Auditorium:

Amy Leach

Since receiving her MFA from the University of Iowa in 2005, Amy Leach has been recognized with the Whiting Writers’ Award (2010), a Best American Essays selection (2009), a Rona Jaffe Foundation Award (2008), and a 2011 Pushcart Prize. Her essays have appeared in numerous literary journals and reviews, including Tin House, OrionMagazine, and A Public Space. She plays bluegrass, teaches English, and lives in Montana. Her first book is titled Things That Are.

1–2 p.m.

When Worlds Collide: Fairy Tale as Reality (B105 1–2)

Panel chaired by Dr. Jill Rudy


1        Happily Never After: The Commodification and Critique of Fairy Tale in ABC’s Once Upon a Time Part IBecca Hay

2        Happily Never After: The Commodification and Critique of Fairy Tale in ABC’s Once Upon a Time Part IIChrista Baxter

3        Magic Losing its Magic: Comparing Harry Potter’s “Tale of the Three Brothers” and Once Upon a Time with “The Tale of the Three Wishes”Terence Berry


Cookbooks and Communication: Vegan and Native Ghanaian Soul Food (B150 1–2)

Panel chaired by Corrine Collins


1        Vegan Soul Food in the Twenty-First Century: Reinventing Identity and Authenticity in Bryant Terry’s Cookbooks—Shannon Soper

2        Native Ghanaian Food and Alcohol as Mediums of Communication—Catherine Ann Hollingsworth


External Plots, Internal Conflicts: the Artistic Expressions and Creative Processes of Virginia Woolf (B062 1–2)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Jarica Watts


1        “Losing Consciousness”: Self-Awareness, Death, and the Creative Process in To the Lighthouse—Jordan Call

2        Rejecting Convention and Creating Art: Impressionism in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves—J Tracy Daley

3        Through the Mind’s Eye: Psychology and Plot in To the Lighthouse—J Scott Porter


Persuading Your Audience: The Aesthetics of Composition (B114 1–2)

Panel Chaired by Laura Dunston


1        Telling Stories to Restore the Moral SphereMarinda Quist

2        Body Language: Why Rhetoric and Aesthetics Belong TogetherEmily Ho


Media Politics and the Un-Kairotic Moment: Ethos, Political Humor, and Enthymematic Arguments in the 2012 Presidential Election Race (B101 1–2)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Kristine Hansen


1        An Un-Kairotic Ethos: Mitt Romney as the Unfortunate-Because-He’s-Too-FortunateCandidate during the Occupy Wall Street MovementTara Boyce

2        The Presidential Comedian: Humor as Political Rhetoric’s Final FrontierAlexis Lesa

3        Enthymematic Arguments for the Incompatibility of Appearance and Reality: Analysis of  Two Presidential Campaign AdsLisa Thomas


Fragmentation and Reconciliation: Rebuilding Communities in the Midst of Trauma (B103 1–2)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Trent Hickman


1        Finding Atypical Communities in the Wake of Tragic Events -Katie Stevenson

2        “The Most Fatal Thing a Man Can Do is Try to Stand Alone”: Collective Individualism in Carson McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter– Rebecca Rees Peterson

3        Looking for a Lock: An Examination of Relationships Between Empty Spaces and Trauma in Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close– Heidi Kice


Literary Agents: Decoding Language in the Postmodern Age (B030 1–2)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Dennis Perry


1        From Poe to Postmodern Society: The Ever Developing Detective—Hayley Hucks

2        Keyhole Observations: Metaphors in A.S. Byatt’s Possession—Kristen Nicole Cardon

3        A Curious Case of Class in Doyle’s London—Adrian Thayn

*1-3 p.m.

Pushing Out An ”Other”: Creation and Representation of Native Americans and the American Wilderness (4188 1-3)

Panel Chaired by Frank Christianson


1        Foolery, Walking About the Orb Like the Sun—Glistering Everywhere Yet Not Gold:

A Look Into the Rewriting of an English Story through a Tale of the Inuit in George Best’s Account of the Frobisher Voyages––Alexandra Crafton

2        Deconstruction and Revision of the Frontier Myth in Julie Otsuka’s When the Emperor Was Divine––Lauren Fields

3        The Ill-Groomed Eden: Pacifists’ Colonial-American Empire Justified by Spiritual Means in Subjecting the Native Americans—Ethan Mackey

4        What’s In a Name: Whites and Native Americans Define Character and Create History through Giving Names—Megan Rohr

2–3 p.m.

Line by Line: Poetic Prose and the Theories Behind Poetry (B103 2-3pm)

Panel chaired by Elizabeth Brady


1        “The Windhover”: Calculating a Poem’s Quality—Bert Fuller

2        A Voice For Nature: The Ecocritical Paradox and Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Proxy Poetry—Joe Post

3        “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”: Proof of a Poem—Kelsey Kacher


It’s a Grimm Work: Discovering Fairytales and Their Various Forms (B105 2–3)

Panel chaired by Dr. Jill Rudy


1        Possessing the Fairytale: Claiming the Validity of the Fairytale Genre Through Metafiction in A. S. Byatt’s Possession—Rebecca Spear

2        Cinderella Man: Perpetuating and Reinventing the Rags to Riches Theme within the American Dream—Amanda Rodriguez

3        From d’Aulnoy to Austen: Recognizing Literary Fairy Tale Elements in Jane Austen’s Novels—Tonja Vincent


Surviving the Killer Instinct: Death, Survival and the Road in McCarthy’s Works (B135 2–3)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Phil Snyder


1        Kindness Over Cannibalism: Balancing Ethics and Survival Instincts in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road—Logan Dalton

2        Serial Killers and Sages: Discovering the Nature of Anton Chigurh—Joshua Matthew Weber

3        The Fall of Man: Zombies in the Road—Thomas Clyde


Food in the Personal Essay: The Sweet and Sour(dough) of Family and Community (B060 2–3)

Panel chaired by Katie Wade-Neser


1        Sourdough—Liz Knight

2        Evolution of Chocolate Chip Cookies—Laura Dutson

3        On Chocolate—Natalie Johansen


Utopian Reverence, Deification of the Soul, and the Complexity of Grace (B140 2–3)

Panel chaired by Dr. Kim Johnson


1        Seeking Utopia: A Dialogue between More and Ruskin—Sari Carter

2        Wily Salesmen and Warring Symbols: The Complexity of Grace in the Fiction of Flannery O’Connor—Alison Maeser

3        Transmutative Regeneration: Edward Taylor’s Refiguring the Deification of the Soul—Brice Peterson


Perspectives on Frock Consciousness in the Writings of Virginia Woolf (B062 2–3)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Jarica Watts


1        Understanding Death Using the Frock Consciousness—Christie Brady

2        Prickett Ellis and the Party “Other”—Breckyn Wood


“Who is it that Can Tell me Who I am?”: Lessons of Existentialism in King Lear (B190 2–3)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Bruce Young


1        Seeing King Lear Feelingly: A Hopeful Ending—Ben Jones

2        Revitalizing Mythology through Christian Paganism in King Lear—Jessica Lees

3        “The Wonder is He Hath Endured So Long”: Sisyphean Triumph in King Lear” —Jennifer Duque

Maternally Malleable: Revolutions of the Feminine Gender Role (B150 2-3pm)

Panel chaired by Patria Wright


1        Losing Identity: A Perspective on the Cultural Expectations on Women in Interpreter of Maladies—Kelsey Webb

2        A Revolution in Relationships: Gender Roles in the Way of the World—Lauren Fine

3        The Princess (and Not the Frog): The Rise of the Feminist Disney Princess—Hayley Hucks

3–4 p.m.

Victimization and Virtue: Portrayals of the Female Body in Modern and Late Victorian Literature (B114 3–4)

Panel chaired by RoseE Hadden


1        Constriction in Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome and Summer—Victoria Candland

2        Limitless Landscape: Choosing Chastity in Assaulted and Pursued Chastity and Sunset Song—Kelsey Brooke Smith


From Boston to Kant: Theoretical Spaces and Connected Communities (B112 3–4)

Panel Chaired by Brian Sabey


1        A Long Road to Boston: Urban Space, Connected Communities, and the Boston Marathon—Ryan Brown

2        “Wrestling with Angels”: Cooperation and Competition Between Community, the Self, and the Divine in the Writing, Translating, and Interpreting of Scripture—Corey Wozniak

3        The Philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant—Nicholas Hardy


Poetry: Exploring Intimacy, Violence, and Human Fragility (B103 3–4)

Panel chaired by Dr. Susan Howe


1        Emily Ho

2        Katie Wade-Neser

3        Darlene Young


Subjectivity, Hypocrisy, and the Identity of Elizabeth I (B062 3–4)

Panel chaired by Dr. Brandie Siegfried

1        The Collaborative Ontology of the Virgin Queen: Away from Shekhar Kapur’s Althusserian Interpretation of Elizabeth I—Laura Marostica

2        Hypocrisy Up and Downward: Elizabeth I and Arnaud’s Self-Fashioning—Rachel Payne

3         Creating Emblematic Identity through Legitimacy, Word, and Image: A Comparison of Elizabeth I and Margaret Cavendish—Patria Wright


Exploring Rhetorical Approaches to Pedagogy in Secondary Schools and the FYW Classroom (B060 3–4)

Panel Chaired by Dr. David Stock


1        The Impact of Public Audience in the Writing Classroom: Observations and Pedagogical Implications—Lisa Thomas

2        A Rhetorical Approach to Teaching Shakespeare in Secondary Schools—Kasey Hammer

3        Exploring the Relationship of Grammar and Style: Sentence Combining in the FYW Classroom—Angela Lankford


Water Metaphors, Christology, and the Christ Figure in the Writings of John Milton (B105 3–4)

Panel Chaired by: Emily Young


1        Watery Men for Monarchy—Courtney Manwaring

2        The Absence of Atonement and Milton’s Greater God—Andrea Brunken


The Rhetorical Influence of Emotion: the Neurological Power of Emotion and the Influence of Action in Modern Aesthetics (B135 3–4)

Panel Chaired by Dr. Greg Clark


1        Slaves to Our Emotions?: Motion, Emotion, Attitude and Action in the Correspondence between Burke and Booth—Samuel Dunn

2        The Rhetorical Power of ‘Feeling’ Art: Exploring Burke and Dewey in Light of Recent Neurological Findings on Emotion—Tara Boyce

3        Catharsis and the Civic Effects of Violent Narratives: A Response to Post-Sandy Hook Condemnations of Violent Media—Cherise Bacalski


The Theory Makes the Man: Constructing Humanity through Transatlantic Literature (B132 3–4)

Panel Chaired by Makayla Steiner


1        Spirits and Sepulchers: Reading “Annabel Lee” as a British Gothic Poem—Shane Peterson

2        “The Lamarck Problem”: The Role of Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend in Re-shaping Public Attitudes Towards Competing Theories of Genetic Inheritance—Megan Hirschi

3        Man Versus Stereotype: What’s So Funny? —Hannah/Ana Lewis


Dark Knight and the Big Bad Werewolf: Terrorism and Fairy Tale Idealism in Film (3–4 4116 JFSB)

Panel chaired by Kristy Stewart


1        Be Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf: Fairy Tale Idealism in Horror Movies—Brooke Jorden

2        Alternate Realities within The Dark Knight—Elyse Holmes

4 p.m., Keynote, B002 JFSB:

Dr. Kim Johnson

“Conjunction Junction, What’s Your Function?; Or, How the Humanities Made a Human of Me”

Kimberly Johnson teaches courses in creative writing and in Renaissance literature. In both fields, her primary interest lies in lyric poetry. In critical work on the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century lyric, she has explored issues of form, aesthetics, religion, and gender, and the intersection of these concerns in the literature’s cultural context. Her own poetry negotiates many of these same ideas as it confronts the limits of representation. She tries to impress upon her students the urgency of being accurate and specific, both as writers and as critics. Johnson has received awards and fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Utah Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Her current projects include a translation of Hesiod’s Works and Days, and a third collection of poetry, Uncommon Prayer.


The English Symposium is sponsored by the BYU English Department and organized by the English Society and the English Graduate Student Association.