Submit Your Work
Ready to submit a proposal, a contest entry, an ENG+ experience,
or a piece of creative writing?
If you want to submit creative writing, choose “Submit Creative Writing” below. If you want to submit an entry to one of the writing contests, choose “Submit Academic Projects,” check the correct contest box, and upload your paper/entry. If you want to submit academic work that isn’t associated with a contest or an ENG+ experience, you’ll need to choose “Academic Projects” as well. You can submit either individually or with a group (a panel submission). Individual submissions that are accepted will be grouped into panels by the organizers. Group/panel submissions that you put together yourself can be especially fun, though, because you’ll already know your co-presenters. So consider asking 2 or 3 friends from a class to submit your papers, projects, or other coursework together. You’ll need at least 3 presenters for a panel and an overall title or theme. Whether you are submitting individually, as a group, or to a contest, you’ll need:
- Your contact info (name and email for everyone submitting together)
- The title of your papers/projects (individual titles for members of a panel, as well as an overall title)
- The number and instructor of the class you completed the work for (leave blank if not applicable)
- A short description (200 words) of your paper/project/panel (if you need inspiration, check out the “Examples” section of this website)
All Symposium submissions are due on January 15, 2025 before midnight. This is true even if you’re co-submitting to a contest that has a later due date.

Submit Academic Projects
Clicking here will take you to a form for individual submissions, group (panel) submissions, and/or contest submissions. If you have any questions or problems, contact us using the “Contact” link in the menu bar.

Submit Creative Writing
Remember, all creative writing submissions are linked to campus contests, so this link will take you to the contests page. Follow their instructions. Symposium participants will be selected from the winners.